The Enneagram

—  the enneagram  —


The Enneagram is a system for defining people’s personality, breaking down into one of nine categories with the use of a questionnaire or test, which you can take here. Its results will categorise you into one of these nine enneatypes:—


1. The Reformer

The enneatype of perfectionists and those who think that everything and anything can be improved.

2. The Helper  

Twos define themselves and their worth by their need to be needed.

3. The Achiever

Threes tend to be hard-working, competitive and focused on their own success.

4. The Individualist

Fours will often construct their entire identities by their conviction of their own difference.

5. The Observer

Also known as The Investigator, a Five will generally be well-read, and intelligent, preferring to engage with the world at a remove.

6. The Loyalist

Sixes tend not to trust easily, but to do so wholeheartedly one their trust has been earned.

7. The Enthusiast

Very future orientated, Sevens tend to be creative, open-minded and convinced there’s something better just around the bend.

8. The Challenger

Eights do not want to be controlled, either by people or circumstance. They tend to be strong-willed, and even domineering.

9. The Peacemaker

Nines hate conflict, whether within themselves or with others.


On first sight, this may feel reductive. But bear in mind that there are eight notes in a musical scale and only seven basic plots, and from these have come every story ever written and every song you’ve ever heard. People of a specific enneatype will share characteristics; they will not be the same. In fact, they can be very different depending on a variety of factors, including mental health.

 As you explore your personality type (which you can do on our preferred enneagram testing website, here), you will find its characteristics explored and explained across the spectrum of one’s mental wellbeing, the better to engage with Wing Tsun’s first wisdom: Know Yourself.

 The enneagram system recognises that each of us will also display characteristics of other types. So your result might tell you that you are a Seven with an Eight Wing. Knowing your Wing helps you explore yourself further and more honestly. You can find out more about Wings here.